Thursday, 11 September 2008

The Temple

Comedic Poetry in A Rush, after a conversation. Diary.

'what was that noise?
we heard a goyim woman bash her head on the temple wall...'

when my heart broke into pieces
how I became a man I could not hear yet then she caught my heart,
before the snow fell throughout England...
and then she is 'more of a man than me'

I played a song to her in the tower and she flew over, chose me:

'If they are doing that to you, then I will marry you.'

And now I have saluted a 'Salud' and goodbye as I wake from a woken nap,
and from our conversation
holding hands, arms out as we are too far away from each other, yet beside each other night
nights are days, days are nights.

five I love you's from her
an unwanted hiccup from me...

And Amu (lives) whom I must stop referring to as The Maid

is looking after the babies

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