This angel I saw in the worse moments of my life, the dark wavy haired young woman with bright torchlike blue eyes, written about here before, and always the vision I believed to be an angel and kept my Love of God since I last met her four years ago...
She returned two days, ago, and we were married...I have spoken to her mother, I explained to her, how I am a man there, (I have the same eyes as I do now), how we agreed giving Bridgit a baby would be good... she died four years ago...I was 18, she was 22, she lived in Northern Ireland, I remember visions of that same time when I went mad, and saw men run up to my bedroom, and the dressing gown and hanger on the door creating a crucifix...she was killed by Orange Men in a car...for the last week or so, she has been arriving to an old man (dai-yu) called Dovid, who has been lean't the Mirror (think of it like Galadriel looking through a pool of water to Earth) by Adel, (Who tells me in a storm she loves me and I love Polly too thunder and lightening and messages from me, like Men here have no fear, a storm just stopped occurring, including a message to the dog to stay indoors and my sister arrving telling me shut up) to carry on annoying me that 'men were being the devil' (like I said and should have stopped at when I spoke to P..(told her everything about men from hell, feel ill)...something we agree on but which has been making me ill...she siad if she had met me then she would have told me I looked like the devil, or rather I look too in mourning or like a witch, she was catholic, she liked heavy metal, taller than me, loud...the way I've been feeling for four years, is, well, written here from the beginning...see other blog...
I asked her if she would have liked me then, she replied she wasn't gay and she would have told me to get 'fucked'...I said, going 'Boy-rish' on her (and too fenian apparently) would she liked to get married? 'alright !' the wedding was a celtic affair, the only reason I have no memory is becasue of the 'devil pills', medication I am forced to take...(I'm writing like a dog says my little sister, or rather Bridgit)...we spoke last night even though I wanted to get to sleep, and she talked with me, and sometimes I feel myself turn into that man, and just let us float on a white bed, imaging being watched from the skies...and Adel, our song, how I flew to her....and that makes four, ha...forgetting a girl I nearly got locked up for, for sending a letter to the wrong house, broken her heart, she's disappeared...
I await a lost letter from PJ...
He came to me in a vision as I cried about Polly on the wooden floor, while my parent's were away in France...having got Orly to contact her in NYC...
Extracts from quick notes I have scrawled from last two weeks:
Dai-Yu (Dovid) was jewish, and perhaps I always guessed that since I met him (right eyed panda scral around my eye, suspecting this was indeed not a tibetan monk) Jonathan was one of his men, a man who also cried at the wall, he says before Dai yu died he told he was with Christ...(I call him whislt he is in the middle of a crying breakdown), they are from the settlements, they are in fear of the far right.....I told him of a girl I had also spoken to, how she will be drafted into the army soon, how she wants GOD TO RISE, (and I have no idea how) I told him I aksed her to reread parts of the psalms, how to think about what she wants to dow ith her life, wonder what she will do (and more, my nose, the covering over of my body...) she told me she had forgetten the Torah, and I hope she read the wedding song for polly and i as i could not manage to even when a man appeared in my room and ordred me to)...
I suggested he contact the Messianics, yet he is in fear of his life...he could not believed Dai Yu had lied to me, and I could not believe, I had been with polly, and rude to him whilst he lay on his deathbed (One day as I spoke to him, I told him she was playing the piano, I could see her and hear a little, he replied it would have been good to be there to listen, she spoke to him too and we explained a few things...I realised he was dying when he told me he could die now (excuse this bad writing I am irritated too easily) and I ran out of the garden to cry, and heard 'he remembers his kiss' perhaps that kiss from his wife whom he loved) I told Jonathan I was like Dai Yu, from the Story Of The Stone (two houses in imperial china eventually are destroyed through corruption and love), from crying all the time...I told him too soon that David was in the other world...
The King has said that men have been given time, and I belive Dai YU was sent to me through Him...
I contacted Jonathan when Adel told me his men were going through hell...I have also spoken to a girl who remembered me from a cafe, as she was praying I asked her to just look at the wall and meditate, she says no-one thinks of nothing)
My parents still claim I am mad, my Dad is even more so, will write the above soon...
a hebrew girl crying on a plane about how she heard me and someone and Matayana Orly talk in a cafe in ,my mind in Dorset (I ran off, dorset notes:
the announcement in Waterloo, (a thank the lord from a young woman in the station as I sat reading and sepaking, ruined the man by ending it with perhaps he is on drugs) (thats a message to the whole of south england)
the congratulations about the marriage from Miss Winehouse (a singer, yes jewish too) in Trafalgar Square...(alos she thought of me, thinking I look too young, and I heard her, and explained about Other Worlds 'Sheeeeett!!!', and: that pig with me kept going on about Irish worlds)
the pushing into a wall by Erhu (who now prefers to be called Arwen) for talking about God to Mohammdin)
the singing in Leicester Square from Miss Harvey
And the awful suprise of a picture taken of me by a woman...
NOTES: PRAYED FOR P, feeling I had shot her soul somewhere, and got into a 'nightmare (?)@ OR RATHER:
A CONVERSATION WITH MY STUARTS BLOOD IN FRANCE, they are fine, glad to know...spoke in tired french to them...
(Orly finds it hysterical to hear mummy write 'hear me ride' as I sit in Dorset having breakdowns in her hometown, unable to find her, and I explain to him about how I could have ridden a horsey in Jerusalem, yet would perhaps been shot in the head:
'A jewish man would shoot you!??!' No, those are our men...
'They call Irish men pakis!??' that was a stupid man...
now, I'm 'dead', end of blog...things have calmed in this storm now,
plus the joy of Arwen/Erhu to hear a friends band on Saturday scream for God...(which gave eveyrone else a headache)
and young 'rudeboys' claiming they are The Prophet, including the MC's whom I duet-ted with:
a refrain, that they wished to discontinue singing...
and the hebrew girl is fine, yet says Jews For Jesus shop is not recommended in LONDON...
when I really do need to find a good Hebrew man to talk this through with, 'pronounced KABBALAH MADAME, NOT, kar bar lah....'
meanwhile, I have no flat, and I may be murdered there because of an atmosphere in town, and my parents are threatening to lock me up...
Lars Shalom
10 years ago